Jordon, Joseph, George, Joseph, Christopher, Kabimbetas,
John, Noah
Jack stood silent, unmoving, in the abandoned warehouse, waiting for the delivery, a moment that he had anxiously waited for years. Suddenly he heard the engines, and two transports clattered over the drainage grates that opened onto the street.
Conversation flew back and forth, in English and French, as the deliverers questioned their payment. Jack was the middleman, the package liaison, he got the phone call from above, the rough voice gave instructions and he carried them roughly. The unconsciously passed two suitcases to the drivers. Tonight would be the first time he would meet Joseph Anderson, the voice of the telephone, the head of the Quebec’s Organized Crime, the man that sought Jack to head the expansion into Ontario, the most sever of hostile takeovers.
Jack walks over to his boss to shake hands for the very first time. Joseph was a tall man, about forty-five years of age, he was wearing a nice suit, and he had a beard and a moustache. He puts his arm over his shoulder, walking along the ramp of the truck, explaining on how the deliveries being done. Joseph the leader of the Quebec’s Organized Crime rips out the lid of one of the boxes with a crowbar and pulls out a stuff animal. They were teddy bears in all sizes and colours of stuff animals. Jack was invited to a black SUV Cadillac where he and Joseph discuss the expansion to Ontario. In the car Joseph also talked about the deliveries and hoe they smuggle. Joseph shows Jack that the drugs are being planted in the stuff animals. He rips off the head and pulls out a bag full of white powder. The deliveries were a bit short and jack’s reply was “at least the delivery has been made”.
As they were getting out, there was a click sound on the door when it was opened and the police S.W.A.T teams came rushing in, ordering the suspects to stay on the ground as they point their weapons at them. The police roamed every part of the warehouse. Jack points the gun at Joseph and leans him against the car while he cusses him. There was a shock on his face and couldn’t believe that this was happening. The warehouse was being searched every part of the room ripping every box when they can get their hands on them. Most of all they ripped the boxes that were in the truck. They ripped every stuff animal’s head and take the Baggies. A few dozen men were arrested and most of them were Quebecois. Conversation flew back and forth from the suspects. The police found a ton of cocaine and they were taken for evidence. The suspects were taken to the station to be spoken to.
Every part of the warehouse was emptied by the police and also took the equipment that was used by the suspects. The department wanted answers from the suspects that were taken to the station. When everyone took off to the station, all of the sudden Jack has a flashback. He over heard a conversation between Joseph and a person that he has money in his safe in the office. Whenever he got busted he tells the guy to take it to put it in a safe spot. Jack hears the combination when Joseph gives the information to a guy who was in second command of the organization and it turns out it was his son “Charles”. Jack drives to a store to buy two large bags and heads to Joseph’s mansion where the money was located. When he got there he right away marches to the office to search for the safe. It was a large office with pictures on the walls and a desk in the end of the room. The room was well decorated and Jack looks behind every picture in the room until he finds the safe.
The was safe about two feet in height and the width. He opens the safe with the combination lock he wrote down and the safe was much larger in the inside. The only entrance was through that safe and he has to crawl in. He throws the two bags in and then crawled in. There was millions of dollars when he got in and he went on filling the bags as much as he can. When Jack finished filling the bags he zips the zipper and squeezes the bags to get them out from the only entrance in the room. There was about five million in the two bags and there was a lot more in the safe so the police won’t be suspicious if they ever discover the safe. He loads his trunk with the two bags filled with cash. There was a smirk on Jack’s face as he was driving away with the cash.
Jack drive home to a peaceful neighbourhood and pulls in to his house. It was a beautiful large home and his six-year-old daughter came running out of the house with a smile on her face. Behind her there was Jack’s wife walking to him and there were happy to reunite.
Back in prison Joseph was frustrated. After being in prison for a few weeks Joseph starts questioning to other inmates about the cop who was undercover. For a long time he didn’t get any information until one inmate walks up to him that he’s got information. The inmate was known as Kyle Lee. He was a short Asian guy with a lot of attitude. He gave every information that Joseph needs about his home, family, and his real name.
Joseph was given one phone call and he called his son Charles. He was told that there was a guy who busted him from the inside that he wanted him to be in charge of the expansion in Ontario. He wants his son to go to the mansion to get the money in his safe behind a portrait in his office. His son makes sure he’ll get the money but hopes that police haven’t found it.
When he got to the mansion and went to his father’s office he opened the safe and a few million dollars was missing inside the safe. He told the news to his father and his face turned red and bust out of anger. He tells him information about the cop who was undercover and tells his son to retrieve the money he has hidden. The police guard came to Joseph and takes him to his cell. Charles did what he was told to do, retrieve to money.
Lt. Jonathan and his partner were police patrolling in the city. He has no idea that people are after him. He and his partner stop to get some coffee. Lt. Jonathan went to get them inside while his partner smoked a cigarette. When Lt. Jonathan came out of Tim Horton’s, out of nowhere two black SUVs came in the corner and they were opened fired. They both took cover and started firing back. All of the sudden his partner gets hit and right away Lt. Jonathan called for back up and an ambulance over his radio.
While Lt. Jonathan was waiting for back up he already killed three men. As soon the people heard the sirens, they drove away. Jonathan was with his partner telling him to hang on and help was on its way. when the ambulance arrived the paramedics act quickly to save the Lt's partner "Christ" life. He was taken to the nearest hospital and have an operation on him. Lt. Jonathan notice that one of the suspects that he shot was still alive.
He went to get him and right away he knew his face while he was undercover. His name was Eric. He told Jonathan that they know that he took the money from the boss and that they're going to abduct his family. Jonathan wanted to know that who did Joseph sent to do his work. He was told that he sent his son and he wanted where he was. Eric was laughing in a creepy way and suddenly he died from losing so much blood.
Right away Lt. Jonathan left the crime scene and drove to his house to check his family. When he pulled in to his driveway he got out of the car and ran inside with fear on his face. His entire house was a mess and he searches every room in to look for his family. He yelled for their names but there was no answer. All of the sudden he received a phone call from Charles.
Jonathan wanted to know who was calling him and a voice said that he has his family. Jonathan right away knew who he was. It was Joseph's son. Jonathan threaten Charles if he hurts his family. Charles wants the money that Jonathan stole for exchange for his family. Jonathan wanted to know where they could meet. Charles wants to meet in the warehouse tomorrow at 6:00p.m but if he doesn't bring the money and he's late Charles will kill his family.
Jonathan couldn't really think what to do because he was alone in this situation he's in. He couldn't go to the police for help because it was illegal what he did for stealing the money and not telling the police department for finding the documents. Jonathan only hopes he could find some friends that he works with to help him get his family back and not giving the money back.
Over night Jonathan made plans how he would save his family. He also went to the police department to get some weapons without people noticing. He emptied the two suitcases and filled it with books. Jonathan was dead tired when the sun rose up. He took some rest and fallen asleep. He woke up a few hours later and it is now 4:00 p.m.
Now he was getting ready to got to the warehouse and kill every person who's there. He was driving along the road and there it was the warehouse where his family are held captive. He drove inside the gates and then into the warehouse. He got off his car and opened the trunk to get the two suitcases. The warehouse were filled with guards down and top. There were about a dozen men waiting patiently for them to make the trade. Jonathan was asked to hand over the money and said that they'll make the trade the same time. Charles agreed the idea and they've made the trade.
Jonathan holds his family with joy and tells them that they need to leave right away. They get in a car and Charles tells them to wait that the money wasn't there. Jonathan's family were in fear and Jonathan looks up to them and tells them to drive away. Jonathan opens fire and hits to guards who were standing beside Charles. Charles takes cover and the rest of the guards were firing at Jonathan. He also takes cover and starts shooting back. There were bullets flying everywhere and Jonathan hit a few of Charles guards.
There were only four guards left and Charles left the warehouse. He started his car and tried to drive away. Jonathan killed the rest of the guards and ran after Charles. Charles was about to leave the perimeter and started shooting at the car and hit his tires. Charles car went flying in the air and he badly injured his leg. He was crawling out of the car and Jonathan walked right up to him.
The air was humid. Swamp flies covered the whole platoon. Everyone was sweating and tired of walking through the rough and heavy jungle. Some sort of sticky feeling in the air was all over the soldiers’ clothes. This is not what Kobe thought it would be like leading his team of 12 to an enemy base camp to take just a few pictures. No satellite or spy plane could take photos of the base though the thick Amazon canopy. Kobe’s team were sent to check if there were nuclear weapons being built and distributed somewhere in the jungle. It was not an easy place to find.
Kobe and his platoon continue to walk through the treacherous Amazon, then suddenly, all of the team could hear something in the air, but distant. They could only hear a muffled sound rumbling and growing louder. The crew started to get nervous. As the sound grew, one soldier said,
“We should start running like hell, Cap’n.”
“We don’t even know what it is, I say wait.” Kobe yelled to the crew.
The sound was loud now. It was clear that planes were about to fly over them.
“It’s planes! What do we do, sir?” said a terrified soldier.
“Do they know where we are?” whispers Kobe to himself.
Boooom! An explosion went off behind the team. Then another beside them, followed by another one in front of them. Bombs were going off behind and between the whole team.
“Run!” Kobe shouted to his team.
The soldiers were running through an exploding jungle. The fragments from the tress and shrapnel from the bombs flew in every direction. One dropped right beside them. It sent 2 soldiers airborne. Kobe could hear nothing but the loud ringing in his ears. His head shaken, Kobe slowly looks back to see his men. They were terrified with the look of panic in their faces. He realized that he had to get his men out of there.
Bombs blew up left and right. The sounds of the planes could barely be heard anymore. Kobe’s team didn’t know what to do. They were scared stiff because of all the bombs going off around them, miraculously, none of them went off close enough to give damage. With all his might, Kobe screamed to his team, “Follow me!”
Kobe made his way under an enormous tree that had fell from the blasts, long enough to cover the platoon; they hid.
“Where the hell are these things coming from?” said a soldier.
“I don’t know but I’m getting our asses outta here.” Replies Kobe.
He picks up his radio that was hanging from his left chest pocket.
“HQ, we’re taking heavy fire here! Send Hawks over now! We need reinforcements!” Kobe looks at his team.
“We lost 2 men. Hurry and get those jets down here. Over.”
Kobe and his team were prepared for the worst. A bomb hit, maybe 30 feet in front of them. The planes were still heard, and it sounded like they were flying away. Sadly, they circled around ready for another strike. Then they heard the sound of the 50. Caliber machinegun. A barrage of bullets were whizzing and zipping by the platoon. Then all of a sudden, an explosion filled the atmosphere. An enemy plane had been shot down and crashed in the jungle. Kobe and his men seen it and knew, reinforcements were nearby. They heard the whistling sound of a missile. The squad could see the sky because of the bombings; no more trees covered it. 2 planes flew across. Then they heard another explosion. It sent 2 of the planes plummeting for the ground, and then crashed behind the platoon. There were still 3 enemy planes in the air, but they flew back to wherever they came from. After that, the jets flew pass. A helicopter came and lowered a ladder for the team. One by one Kobe and his team went up into the helicopter. They went back to Headquarters, their mission incomplete and 2 of their men dead.
“After this I’m partying.” Said one of them.
They reached the base. It was located somewhere in Nevada. Once they got off the chopper and into the base, a man in a uniform orders all of them to the General’s office. When they got in there, the General was sitting on his big leather chair and wide glass desk. Computer screens were mounted on the walls. He took a puff from his cigar and said,
“He he, sorry about that. We didn’t know that we were sending you to a heavily protected area. I thought we looked into that place but…”
“You didn’t!” shouted Kobe.
“You put me and my men out somewhere in a jungle and you’re sorry. We almost got killed!”
“I understand.” Said the General.
“However, there’s still one more mission for you boys. Look, I bet you guys would really want to go home after what happened, right? Well, I’ll make you a deal. If you and you’re men can do this one last thing, you can resign, go home, and live in paradise.”
The team looks at each other.
“What is it?” said Kobe.
“Okay! We sent a team to infiltrate an enemy base camp somewhere in the Amazon. Kind of like you guys. Anyway, it didn’t work out. So…”
“Wait, wait. What do you mean?”
“Well, some of the got killed. The more lucky ones got captured. That’s why we want you boys to get them out of there. Hey, I’m not saying that it’s going to be an easy, but we can’t afford to lose those men, oh, and you boys of course. However, I’m sure you and your team can get it done. Right?”
“Yeah, we can.” Answers Kobe.
“Alright then. There’s a cargo plane on the strip that leaves in 0400 hours. ETA: 5 hours. Get ready and good luck.” Said the General.
Most of the team walked out the door when Kobe asks the General, “Can you tell me the names of the soldiers who’ve been captured?”
“I don’t see how that could be a problem.” Said the General, picking up a remote and pointing it at the wall of screens. A list of names appears.
“Okay, here we go. There is Sean Harris, Dan lower, Lieutenant Neil Stoker, Ken Johnson…”
“Ken.” Said Kobe, shocked for a second.
“Yes, do you know him?
“No, uh, I’m just saying the names out loud.
“Okay. And the last one is Captain William Hinton. Poor bastard. Didn’t look like he knew how to lead his men. But I’m sure you will. Alright now, get ready, your men are waiting.”
The time came for liftoff. They were boarding the cargo plane, it was meant to drop trucks and supplies, but not for this mission. Kobe was the first to board, then the team. Kobe seemed tense, and somewhat worried. One soldier asks,
“Sir, you alright? You seem worried or somethin’.”
“Oh, it’s alright, man.” Said Kobe.
“Just getting them butterflies, that’s all.”
“Really? Cuz’ I’ve seen you on a lot of other missions, and..”
“And what?” interrupts Kobe.
“I just want to get our men out of there, okay, before they die! All right!
I’m not going to let nobody kill him.”
“Him, sir?
“I meant them. Nobody is going to kill them!”
Kobe rests his head back and closed his eyes. He’s reminiscing. Two children were playing in a backyard, with the sun shining bright, green grass and trees glowing behind them laughing, holding toy pistols in their hands. Out of all the memories, he had to remember the one where they were holding pistols, so much for paradise. Then he crashed back to the seat, he opened his eyes and said,
“We got 2 hours. Let’s just get our job done so we can go back to our families. I just want to go home.”
The flight was dreadful, anxious with every second for death to creep on them. It felt like an eternity. However, these men were bloodthirsty, ready for revenge after what happened to them. In their minds, they thought they were going to run in the camps and start shooting everyone, but the pilot was ordered to drop the men off 20 miles away from the site to parachute down into Amazon in the night. So they jumped. One by one they tossed themselves into the darkness. No one can see each other so it was risky, but once a chute was pulled they could see the silhouette, and so they pulled them one at a time.
They all landed undetected, and so the walked, again.
“Man, I hope we don’t get blown to bits this time.” Said a soldier.
They walked mile after mile through the crude and horrendous jungle. Sweat dripped with first few steps, after that, they were soaked. They’ve only been walking for 20 minutes and already the Amazon has taken its toll. Some of the men were wheezing and had a hard time to breath. Maybe partying wouldn’t have been so good after all.
“Easy boys! Save your energy. You don’t want to be fighting these guys in your sleep. Or them fighting while you sleep.” Said Kobe, breathing hard also.
It’s long but we’ll get him, uh, them, them out of there.”
They had been walking for over an hour when they reached the camp undetected. Kobe puts on his night vision goggles that were strapped in his head. They all had it. They could see the camp. All around was surround by thick trees. There was a shack, a lookout tower, and one building that looked like a small elementary school. These buildings were made out of scrap metal and mud covered plywood overlapped on each other. The ground was muddy and dirty.
I ran so hard as my mother told me to, ran till my lungs burst but I couldn’t make my body move fast enough. My legs seemed to move slower and slower as I heard my mother Janette screaming for help. I felt sorry for her, I just wanted to go back to help her escape. She promised me that this time we were going to run away and live by ourselves. I heard the arguing and glass breaking on the background.
“You can’t help yourself, you should go for help” Janette screaming.
“No I can help myself, I just need some time,” my father yelled.
“That is the same thing you always say when we fight.
“I can help myself, give me some time”
“Aren’t you tired of drinking?” asked Janette.
I heard the echo of slapping from my distance. I watched as my mother tore through the door and started the car. I ran to the road, my legs ached as I hopped in and we drove away. Mom always told me to put on my seat belt so I did, noticing that mom had not, but she was crying, so I remained silent. As we turned onto the highway she used her sleeve to wipe her eyes. When she looked up, the car was lit by the lights of a transports high beams. She swerved, and I heard the noise vibrate through my ears as I woke up in a cold sweat.
I was dreaming the very same accident that my mother and I had. My eyes were full of tears. It was the most horrible dream I ever had. Seeing my mother dying again made me don’t want to go back to sleep, I was afraid having the dream again. Nick started to toss and turn, he as he heard me crying.
“Melissa shut up! I’m trying to sleep here, Jeeez”
I’m happy when I dream about my mother but not the dream that I had, I hate to see her dying. It makes me miss her more. I think about her everyday, I wish I could take that day back and ask her to put her seat belt on. My family and friends are always suggesting me to move on and live like everybody else. I do always pretend that everything is ok with me, which is apparently not.
Nick reminds me of my dad except Nick does not have a drinking problem but he is a little bit abusive. We sometimes have fights but it goes by. Constantly, I think Nick will change someday which I have to give him some time.
“Good morning honey” Nick said in a good mood.
“Morning Nick, sorry for last night” I said back.
“Oh, it’s ok. Can you please make me a cup of coffee?” he said, kissing me on my forehead.
“Yes sure” I said.
I walked towards the coffee maker and poured a cup of coffee for Nick and me.
“Nick! Do you want breakfast?” I screamed.
“No thanks. I will pick up something on my way to work.” He said.
“By the way I won’t be here for supper. Order something for yourself” he handed the money to me.
Nick is working in an accounting firm he sometimes came home late. He works so hard to support me. I have no job but I did apply some jobs I just stay home and wait them to call. I had quit my last job, they thought I was depressed or something. Nick and my friends took me to the hospital and the Doctor gave me depression pills that I didn’t take them at all. I just stayed home watch movies, clean, read, go to the Internet and call friends. I only went out when we need something or go shopping with friends.
The phone rang and I ran toward it. I don’t know who would call but I still answered it. I wonder who it was.
“Hello” I answered.
It was Alison she was calling from work.
“Hi, how are you?” She began to talk.
“I’m fine thanks. What makes you call me?” I asked.
“Well Melissa you know what friends do right? They got their friend’s back. It’s not that I’m trying to ruin your relationship with Nick but I saw him with some other girl this morning in a restaurant they were eating breakfast. I was going to pick up coffee and something to eat but I kept walking. I didn’t want Nick to see me. Please say you didn’t hear me from this.” Alison said.
I felt humiliated, I felt like crying but I made it stop by saying myself “why would I cry it’s just a guy?”
“Really, did you recognize the girl? Do you know her? What does she look like?” The words came out which I didn’t want to say them.
“No I don’t know her. I only saw her from the back, she’s a blond.” Alison replied.
“I am so out of here tonight. I will start packing now before Nick comes home from work. I will call you later.” I said to Alison.
“Alright Melissa, be careful ok. Try not to have a fight with Nick, call the cops if he touches you. Don’t be fallen sorry about him. If you need a place to stay come to my apartment, I will make you a room.” She said.
I hang up the phone and run upstairs to get a suitcase and pack my stuff. I have to do this before Nick comes home because we both know we are going to have a fight if I talk about this blonde girl to him. It would be better to not say a word and get out. I have enough of him, enough of the fights and waiting him to be changed.
I heard the door slamming. I didn’t have time to run away. I was going to do the same thing what my mother had done but safely.
“Melissa, I’m home.” He called on the background.
“What’s all this?” He asked.
He stared at the suitcase lying on the front porch door. I started to shake because of Nick I felt like he was going to hit something or me.
“I’m leaving Nick, I can’t do this anymore. There is no way this relationship is going to further, we always have fights and I heard something. I heard that you were having breakfast with some other girl in a restaurant this morning. That’s why you didn’t want me to make you breakfast?” I said to him.
He grabs me on my two shoulders really hard and shakes me and says “You are not leaving me! You’re not going anywhere.”
I was crying so hard. He pulls my hair and drags me to the doorway where my suitcase was and says, “unpack right now or else it’s going to be worst.
I had planned to call Alison and ask her to call the cops for me when Nick is in a deep sleep. Nick and I went to bed. I faced the wall and asked me to face to him I didn’t want to but I had no choice. I knew he would’ve done something to me if I didn’t listen to him. I turned around and he started to apologize.
“I’m sorry honey for how I reacted today. It won’t happen again.” He said.
“Ok” I said.
“Good night.” He said.
“Good night. “I said back.
I pretend like I accepted his apology but I didn’t. I was going to do the same thing tomorrow when he goes back to work. I was going to run away. He finally fell asleep I pretended to cough really hard to see if he was really sleeping. He didn’t move at all. I moved really slowly to not feel me going downstairs.
I grabbed the phone and started to dial Alison’s phone number, I heard him screaming my name and ran downstairs.
“What are you doing?” He said.
“Nothing I was going to try call Alison, we were going to go shopping together tomorrow.” I said.
“In the middle of the night?”
“I can’t trust you. You were going to call her to ask her for help right? Now you will make me not going to work tomorrow, I will stay here with you to make sure you’re not leaving the house.”He said.
“Now let’s go to sleep”
I follow him to the room and sleep. We woke up in the morning at the same time and for once he was making me breakfast. We just stayed home and barely talked the whole day. At the end of the day I have planned to go to the store and get something that wasn’t in the house so I can ask someone in the store to call the cops for me.
“Hey Nick, let’s go buy some popcorns and we’ll watch a movie” I said to him.
“Ok then let’s go,” He said.
We get dress and go to the car. I put on my seat belt on but Nick didn’t, I didn’t say something, just sit there silently As we drove by he asked me what we would watch tonight. I only said a scary movie. On the middle of the road I could recognize my dead mother standing there. I thought I was the only one seeing her but Nick did really saw her too. There was a truck coming towards us a bright light. It happened the same accident as my mother and I had. The very same accident. I felt like my mom was trying to help me.